Friday 28 October 2016

role of experiments in science

The experiment is of key significance in science instruction – with regard to learning science content, processes and views of the nature of science. The state of research on the role of the experiment in science instruction is reviewed. Based on a brief sketch of the historical development of the role of the experiment in science teaching and learning since the 18 th century the aims of experimentation in school and the state of empirical research on teaching and learning science by use of experiments are discussed. It is further analysed, whether the high expectation regarding the value of experimentation are justified. A particular emphasis will be given the fact that self-responsible experimentation is rather demanding for the students. Hence, there seem to be good reasons why this preferable variant of experimentation is so seldom set into practice. A preliminary note on the terminology used Experiment (experience) Theory (interpretation) Experiment (experience) Theory (interpretation) Fig. 1: On the relation of experiment and theory in scientific investigations As various terms are used in the literature on what is called experiment in the present article some preliminary remarks are necessary. The term experiment is used in the meaning of scientific experiments on the one hand. But it is also stands for experiments used in science instruction for various purposes. 

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