Monday 10 October 2016

importance of science as a school subject

What is importance of science education as a teaching subject?

Science, as a subject is universal and knows no boundaries. The claims of Science for inclusion in the school curriculum came to be recognized after years of active and persistent efforts. Science almost revolutionaries human life and proved indispensable for existence of man.
Now, supremacy of Science has been established in every field. In fact, so great is its importance for man and society that the present day people live in an "age of science". No one perhaps needs an explanation at present to include science in the school curriculum, Canon, Wilson, a famous educationist in 1867, in support of inclusion of science as a School subject wrote", "Science teaches what evidence is, what proof is.
English, History, Geography, Classics etc. are taught because they provide a liberal education. The main object of imparting education is to turn out intelligent citizens able to appreciate and enjoy the beauty and wonder of Nature.
They should be efficient in all walks of life and should take delight in the wealth of culture of past generations and civilizations. Hence, Science should form an essential part of the curriculum as it is the only subject which affords knowledge of certain facts and laws and helps in achieving the main object of education."
The following are the arguments in favor of General Science to be placed in School Curriculum:
1. Science provides unique training in observation and reasoning. Science students reason from definitely ascertained facts and form clear concepts. It makes one systematic and enables him to form an objective judgment.
2. The discoveries have added to the prosperity of human race with vast increase of knowledge. Herbert Spencer in his, "What Knowledge is of Most Worth" gives information which study of Science furnishes. According to him, Science learning is incomparably more useful for our guidance in life. Other chief subjects too provide an intellectual training not inferior to that of Science. Practically, we live in a world of scientific discoveries. So science education cannot be neglected.
3. Prof. H.E. Armstrong says that Science is taught to provide training in and knowledge of Scientific method, which is useful in the life pursuits. So this needs a School base of Science education.
4. Science has its cultural value. It has a literature of its own. The Scientific discoveries of Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Darwin, Pasteur, Kelvin, Bose, Armstrong and others are treasures of mankind. So, Science has won the first rank of humanistic studies.
5. Science has utilitarian value. It trains child to use his leisure properly. These are clearly illustrated in scientific hobbies.
6. Modern knowledge of Science provides great intellectual pleasure. An educated person is under very great disadvantage if he is not familiar with that knowledge.
7. Knowledge of the methods of observation and experiment in the different branches of Science helps pupils to develop a logical mind, a critical judgment and a capacity for methodical organization.
8. Science is useful in that it remedies some of the defects of the ordinary school education. It is found to be the most valuable element in the education of those who show special aptitude. Science provides discipline of mind.

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