Monday 7 November 2016

Intelligence types

Every human have been learning since the day that they were born. Humans learn things every single day and as they get older they continue to learn. There are many different techniques of learning. People have their own way of grasping a certain skill. I guess they adapt their type of technique when they are little and they continue using it. These techniques came from a guy named Howard Gardener who wrote a book called " Frames of Mind". He basically shoes that people learn using one or several of these eight steps. All humans need to use at least one of the techniques to learn. You don't even think about it when you use them, you just naturally use it. People either learn fast or they learn slow.I think that i work better when i am alone because, i don't have group members to distract me and i don't have to force or annoy anyone to do their part of the work. For me it depends what the topic is for example if it's math then maybe i have to hear the technique more than once and in other subjects i have don't really have to hear it more than once.
The musical learner uses rhythm to learn. The rhythm helps them better concentrate. The musical learner likes to hum or sometimes sing, respond to music and often listen to music as well. They are good at remembering songs or tunes,keeping time, and picking up sounds. They learn best by music or rhythm.
The visual and spatial intelligence learner likes to visualize things in order for them to better learner. They tend to like drawing and creating things. They also tend to daydream and watch movies. They are good at sensing changes and reading maps or charts. They learn best by dreaming, working with colors and pictures.
The bodily and kinesthetic learner uses body movements to solve their problems.These people like to move around, touch and talk, and use their body language. They are good at art and they are also good at physical activities.
The interpersonal learner use their social skills and their communication skills. They are most likely to understand people.These types of learners like to have alot of friends, talk to people, and join many groups. They are good at communicating, organizing, and leading others. They learn best by sharing with other people, relating, and cooperating.
The naturalist intelligence learner are able to make connections to the world an also the environment. These type of learners like to be outdoors, be with animals and plants, and collect natural objects. They are good at using sensory skills, an also categorizing things. They learn best by being outside, using the observations, and senses.
The linguistic learner use the new information they know and the old information they already know about that topic to learn. These learners like to read, write and tell stories. They are good at basically memorizing things. They learn best by saying, hearing, and seeing words.
The logical and mathematical learner looks for reason and patterns. They like to go through experiences, work with numbers, ask questions, and explore things. They are good at math, problem solving, and logic. They learn best by classifying, using patterns and relationships.
Everybody has different learning techniques. My technique before i began learning about the multiple intelligences is the same as it was before. Before, when I wrote I didn't really observe the type of style I learned. Now, that I found out about the multiple intelligences I find ,myself to be a strong learner when it comes to dealing with people. I'm strongest in the technique of Interpersonal intelligence and the weakest in logical. In the intrapersonal learning technique people use their social skills and communication skills with others. I have lots of friends , enjoy talking to people, and like to join groups.In other words saying that get along with people well. They are good at solving conflicts and and manipulating people. These characteristics are part of my personality.The logical learner looks at patterns and reasoning.The logical thinkers like to ask questions and work with numbers. They are good at logic.
In a diagram the results were shown that males are better at interpersonal and intrapersonal learning techniques then women are.The results show that women are more of a kinaesthetic learner and linguistic learner. In my class results majority of the people that took the test were interpersonal and kinaesthetic. Majority of the people weren't good in logical and linguistic techniques. I think that several people learn based on their environment and the technique that they were taught. In the class results the class has a stronger result in the intrapersonal category's. The class is weak in naturalistic, visual, and musical. The result with my self-assessment are:Rhythmic (6), Interpersonal (6), Linguistic(4), kinesthetic (4), mathematical (3), Spatial (3), Intrapersonal (3), and Naturalistic ( 3).
There are many similarities and differences between the self- assessment and online test. Some similarities are logical and mathematical are both low percentages. Another similarity is the percentage for interpersonal is high. Some of the differences are on the self-assessment each multiple intelligences are out of 10 and on the online test it's out of 25. Another difference is they had different questions and statements. They are similar and different because, i could have answered the questions based on the learning skills now or in the past. The similarities between the population and my results are women are strong in the intrapersonal category, and weak in the logical category. We are evenly smart in the kinaesthetic category.
In a conclusion people in the world have many different ways of learning. It depends if they are a slow learner or a fast learner. I think it is based on how you were taught in the previous years because, if you were taught slow then you might adapt that technique of learning slow. If you learn fast then you might adapt that technique of learning fast. It also depends if you are a visual learner or if you need words to learn. Some people learn better by remembering the rhythm of things and they make up their own songs so, they are able to learn

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