Thursday 3 November 2016

Communication technology

Communication is very important for the human beings. It really regulates and shapes all human behaviour. Communication is the mechanism through which human relations exist and develop. It is good to have an understanding of communication in its wider sense. It is the interchange of thoughts or ideas. It is viewed as the transmission of information, consisting of discriminative stimuli, from a source to recipient. In everyday life, the communication is a system through which the messages are sent, and feedback received. Communication is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver in the manner that the transferred information is being understood by both the participants. According to Brown, “Communication is a process of transmitting ideas or thoughts from one person to another for the purpose of creating an understanding in the thinking of the person receiving communication”
What is communication?
The word communication is derived from the Latin noun communis and the Latin verb communicare that means to make common.  This word is much known to the contemporary world. It is an all encompassing word which includes the multitude of experiences, actions and events. Individuals and non business organisations can also indulge in mass communication to build an image in the masses. According to Kelly, Communication is a field of knowledge dealing with the systematic application of symbols to acquire common information regarding an object or event.According to Luther, It is the transmission of commonly meaningful information. It is a process that involves the exchange of behaviours.The following points show the different purposes for a communication, and describe the way in which the communication differs based on its purpose.
  • To inform the public regarding the affairs concerned to them.
  • To convey the messages to the people those are required.
  • To persuade the human beings for certain activities.
  • To request the people to get something done.
  • To warn the public regarding some nuisance that has got consequences.
Scope of communication
Communication is important both for an individual and also for the society. A person’s need for communication is as strong as the basic needs of human beings. A communication should always clearly identify the subject scope of the communication. The subject scope is a specification of the information covered by the communication. It has become a basic for the social existence and the feeling of commonality and togetherness. So the existence of human being can be clearly elaborated in the development of the communicative system. The scope of communication can be evaluated and analysed from different point of views.
 The Social dimensions
Communication helps to ensure the social enlightenment of the people. It really plays a vital role in the determination of the social behaviour of the human being. It motivates the people according to their own interest and makes them aware of the hazards as well as beneficial things. It works as an instructor and means of transformation in the fast changing society. The different forms of communicative techniques entertain the society that they can be relaxed and prepared for the life struggles.
The educational dimensions
Communication system is the part and parcel in educating the people. In the past centuries where there were no much facilities also the people could use different techniques of communication for the educational purpose. The various tools that we use in mass communication work as instructors to the people who are in search of knowledge. The educational objectives of modern communication system are increasing day by day.
Organisational dimensions
Communication has a vital role in the organisational structure of a system for the smooth functioning. All the three levels of management- strategic, tactical, and operational- depend on the transfer of messages done through the communicative techniques. The communicative skills of manager will really boost the employees in every respect. The main organisational functions are explained below.
1, It improves labour management relations by keeping both in contact with each other.
2 It monitors the performance of the employees at all the levels. It really helps to take corrective measures for the employees.
3 The effective communication will create a sense of belongingness and motivation among the workers.
4 It entertains the employees though on rare occasions through informal gatherings of the members in the company.
5 it helps the managers of a firm stop or check rumours and grapevine.
6 It uses propaganda, PR, and publicity for achieving the long term goals of the firm.
7 It informs the customers about the product and makes it familiar to them.
 Cultural dimensions
Communication provides an opportunity for the promotion and preservation of culture and traditions. It makes the people fulfil their creative urges. The cultural settings of a particular society can be known to the public through communication. Communication helps to spread the cultures into different areas. The concept of inculturation is developed in the postmodern context of communication.
Entertainment dimensions
  To break the routine life and divert our attention from the stressful life we lead today, entertainment is an essential part of everyday life. Communication opens a wide possibility of entertainment to the people. It begins from the interpersonal communication to the vast ocean of mass communication. The scope of films, drama, music, comedy etc is really wide in the entertaining aspect of it.  
Integrative dimensions
Communication is the one which connect people from different parts of the world. It develops integration and tolerance towards each other. The different cultures are merged together through the medium of communication. It integrates different people from the different background of the world. It works as a source of persuasion. The well functioning of the society depends on the integrating element of communication.  
Communication of message takes place through different medium. The main functions of communication are information entertainment and education. Communication means transferring messages from one to another through any medium. So the scope of communication is never ending. The communication will be the part of society as long as it exists. But the possibilities of communication will develop in the course of time since man is curious being. So we shall look for the latest communicative techniques.

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