Thursday 29 September 2016


Education in its narrow meaning                       
In the narrow sense, education is confined to school and university instruction. From this point of view, education of the child starts as tars the school where he is given a limited and definite amount of knowledge. Under this scheme, education of the child is over when, having received the given amount of knowledge, he leaves the institution and takes up some occupation in life. The narrower meaning of education has been summed up by T. Raymont in the following words:
"In the narrower and more definite sense .Education does not include self-culture and the general influences of one's surroundings, but only those special influences which are consciously and designedly brought to bear upon the young, by the adult portion of the community, whether through the family, the church or the state."
In short, education in its narrow meaning is equivalent to schooling, instruction or act of training.

Education in its broader meaning 
In its broader meaning, education is a life-long process. In this connection, J.S. Mackenzie says: In the wider sense, "it is a process that goes on throughout life, and is promoted by every experience in life." According to Prof. Dnmvile,
"Education is includes all the influences which act upon an individual during his passage from the cradle to the grave." Thus, education in its broader meaning is the cumulative effect of varieriences received by an individual in his home, out-of-home life, in the school, out of school, here, there is everywhere? In the words of Lodge, "All experiences are said to be educative the bite of mosquito, the taste of a watermelon, the experiences of falling in love, of flying in an aeroplane, of being caught in a storm in a small boat experiences have directly educative effect on us. Whatever broadens our horizon, deepens our insight, refines our reactions, and stimulate thought and feeling educates us."

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