Friday 5 January 2018

Innovative work


Red Data Book is the source which provides the important information about endanf gered species. There are different Red Data Books for plants and animals. It keeps an account of all endangered plants and animals. It is a book published by IUCN (International union for conservation of nature and natural resources). It contain a list of organism whose continued survival in the world is threatened.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, we are now losing animal species at more than 1,000 times the “normal” rate.
With the intention of awaking the students about depletion caused to our eco system as a result of global warming. I have prepared a red data book incorporating some dates of most endangered animals, birds and plants in India. This book aims to give a deep insight to the students about the endangered species that are at a high risk of getting extinct in their habitat. This book also provides central information for studies and monitoring programmes on rare and endangered species and their habits.



After the christmas examination our teaching practice start on first januvary 2018.This is the last week of our teaching practice.on this week tuesday was a holiday.I completed my innovative work in this weak which was a cartoon poster preparation in 9 th standard and innovative work on red data book in 8 th standard.After that all teachers blessed us to become good teachers. We all feel happy when hearing such words. 

Thursday 4 January 2018


Poster presentation - Kidney and its disorders
In this work i try to make a cartoon poster presentation based on the chapter "To maintain Homeostatis "in 9th standard .The work  presents the contents in  3 areas namely structure of kidney,Diseases,Treatment .The work contain some cartoon posters from the topic structure of kidney,are yours kidney healthy? ,kidney stone,nephritis,uremia ,treatment of kidney diseases ike dialysis,kidney transplantation etc.
Kidney are two of the most important organs in our body.They filter blood and help to get rid at waste products from our body. cartoon poster provide a message to above topic.It devoplop scientific attitude and interest to know more about related topic.cartoon poster is a effective learning material to every student.It provide a deep message about the topic in a funny way.The cartoon poster presentation of teaching  kidney diseases help to teach the topic in a easy way.

Sunday 31 December 2017

Concept attainment model

Concept learning, also known as category learning, concept attainment, and concept formation, is defined by Bruner, Goodnow, & Austin (1967) as "the search for and listing of attributes that can be used to distinguish exemplars from non exemplars of various categories". More simply put, concepts are the mental categories that help us classify objects, events, or ideas, building on the understanding that each object, event, or idea has a set of common relevant features. Thus, concept learning is a strategy which requires a learner to compare and contrast groups or categories that contain concept-relevant features with groups or categories that do not contain concept-relevant features.

Concept learning also refers to a learning task in which a human or machine learner is trained to classify objects by being shown a set of example objects along with their class labels. The learner simplifies what has been observed by condensing it in the form of an example. This simplified version of what has been learned is then applied to future examples. Concept learning may be simple or complex because learning takes place over many areas. When a concept is difficult, it is less likely that the learner will be able to simplify, and therefore will be less likely to learn. Colloquially, the task is known as learning from examples. Most theories of concept learning are based on the storage of exemplars and avoid summarization or overt abstraction of any kind.

Concept Learning: Inferring a Boolean-valued function from training examples of its input and output.
A concept is an idea of something formed by combining all its features or attributes which construct the given concept. Every concept has two components:
Attributes: features that one must look for to decide whether a data instance is a positive one of the concept.
A rule: denotes what conjunction of constraints on the attributes will qualify as a positive instance of the concept.

Saturday 30 December 2017

Deductive method

Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic, logical deduction is the process of reasoning  from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion.

Deductive reasoning goes in the same direction as that of the conditionals, and links premises with conclusions. If all premises are true, the terms are clear, and the rules of deductive logic are followed, then the conclusion reached is necessarily true.

Deductive reasoning (top-down logic) contrasts with inductive reasoning (bottom-up logic) in the following way: In deductive reasoning, a conclusion is reached reductively  by applying general rules that hold over the entirety of a closed domain of discourse, narrowing the range under consideration until only the conclusion(s) is left. In inductive reasoning, the conclusion is reached by generalizing or extrapolating from specific cases to general rules, i.e., there is epistemic uncertainty. However, the inductive reasoning mentioned here is not the same as induction  used in mathematical proofs – mathematical induction is actually a form of deductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning differs from abductive reasoning by the direction of the reasoning relative to the conditionals. Deductive reasoning goes in the same direction as that of the conditionals, whereas abductive reasoning goes in the opposite direction to that of the conditionals.